00:25:38 Organization Design Forum: Welcome! Please feel free to add your thoughts throughout the conversation and we'll share it with the posting of the video. 00:43:14 Joe Kopetsky: Winds of change blowing strong... 00:48:18 Bill Zybach: Sponsorship is not static as Joe indicated, and thus being continuously intentional about shifting or being agile about the changing dynamics, because if you aren’t intentional - then you fall to default - and default is things devolving to a loss of focus on the project when there are competing objectives/initiatives…. 01:02:14 Bill Zybach: The idea that one sponsor will last through a long term project and will have the same vim and vigor over 5 years, is nice when it happens, but reality with the change, is that you may have a collaboration of sponsors, and different sponsors leading in different iterations or phases…aligns with reality better…but ultimately will only work if it is aligned - even with aspirational culture… 01:08:43 Andrew Munts: coalition — mitigate risk or diffuse accountability? Is there an adaptive planning process? consult-sponsor dialogue. What is essence of effective mechanics and consciousness we are building in ‘sponosrship’? 01:13:02 Bill Zybach: Andrew, if it is a agile culture, there is rigorous accountability…. 01:14:55 Bruce Mabee: You people have done me a lot of good--I hope Joe gets something! 01:19:12 Donna Positano: Thanks everyone for letting me listen in on the dialogue. I need to drop for another meeting. Looking forward to seeing you in Ann Arbor! 01:19:37 Kiersten Rippeteau: Thanks for joining, Donna! 01:21:48 Bruce Mabee: Thanks, Joe, for your openness and humility. I'm going to use your role modeling! 01:24:43 Kiersten Rippeteau: From Joe: Thanks all - this has been an accelerated course in thinking through the issue - great discussion and insights 01:25:57 Jeanna Kozak: also need to compliment Bill on his new skill with bells 01:26:29 Helena Light Hadley: Thanks all. Terrific session.