00:41:52 Kevin Anderson: If it true that mid-level managers today spend most time coaching (which I agree the good ones do), then does it follow that their jobs will not go away under agile? What else will the mid-level managers then do? 00:44:08 Jodie Goulden: Kevin great question. I won't pretend to know the answer but it seems that there is tremendous need for capabilities like coaching and creating conditions for teams to be effective. 00:44:08 Andrew Williams: I think mid-level managers are still accountable for "outcomes". However woolly outcomes might be per Naomi's article 00:47:46 Rick Hardin: I want to raise up a GREAT job by the curation group on this set of articles.. 00:48:36 Sally Parker: Agree with Rick. GREAT job by the curation team. Thank you! 00:48:45 Jeanna Kozak: I think there is too little attention to behaviors - all research tends to say ‘leadership training”. To change a habit, people need structure, steps to follow. Primary things in my experience to focus on are 1-) how decisions are made. Really made, meaning where in the organization and why and 2-) stop using the hierarchy as communications structure. Agility and adaptability requires talking to the people doing the work not the people they report to 00:49:04 Janet du Preez: Agree with Jeanna 00:50:30 Jeanna Kozak: Re change - I wonder if it is the structure or is it the reteaming, the need to form/storm/norm etc all over again is exhausting 00:54:09 Janet du Preez: Yes Jeanna, agree - Every change creates tne need to go through that cycle again. 00:57:49 Jeanna Kozak: In addition to lack of focus on decision making side of things for change - also need more focus and attention on incentives. All articles allude to people being happy with sense of belonging. My experience is yes and…..they still want promotions and recognition 01:00:22 Janet du Preez: Agree Andrew!! 01:00:23 Jodie Goulden: thank you Nuala 01:00:27 Janet du Preez: Thanks all!!!! 01:00:49 Sally Parker: thank you Nuala 01:00:50 Andrew Williams: Bye