00:35:47 Tanya - ODF Admin: Welcome! Feel free to post any questions here and Cynthia will be facilitating a Q&A with Brent, Luis, and Amy 00:37:46 Jennifer Seifert: Very exciting work! 00:38:04 Andres Sabogal: Any idea of also moving the pratice to Latin America? 00:38:54 Manjula Ramprasad: Any plans to follow this practice to India? 00:41:32 Amy Kates: Yes, we are planning to create a true global firm, over time. Already have colleagues in all the markets. Starting to think about how to have a geographic focus while maintaining a global brand... and org design dilemma! 00:41:34 Linda Quarles: Q: is the “fellow” model something that other practices in Accenture already use? And are the fellows essentially doing a rotation in the fellowship, leaving their core practice temporarily to build capability and then go back into their practice? 00:43:19 Amy Kates: We are pioneering this but other acquisitions at Accenture are planning to do the same to scale. The intention is for people to stay with us as it takes a few years to really be expert not just nine months, but some will rotate back to their market unit. We are a global group. 00:45:32 Allison Farr: I really like the language choice of pioneering vs. piloting. 00:49:07 Manjula Ramprasad: What does org design for you look like in 21st century? Now that you are working with plethora of clients what have been your AHA moments? 00:50:15 Jeroen van Bree: Q: Amy, as you scale your team, it seems inevitable that there are more and more projects in which you yourself cannot take an active role. Is that a challenge? Do clients expect you or Greg to be involved? 00:57:55 Will Corbett: Q @ Amy: how did you adjust your vision/mission statement(s) in response to joining Accenture? 00:58:59 Manjula Ramprasad: Amy, what are somethings that you are not doing that you did before after joining Accenture. 01:02:02 Manjula Ramprasad: Typically operating models are spoken keeping in mind the markets (emerging/existing) and technology ofcourse, are you also coaching your clients towards environment and social impact. 01:04:28 Bruce Mabee: "Solving for" -- can you give an example of a situation and what you were solving for? 01:04:55 Manjula Ramprasad: What have been some difficult conversations that you had at Accenture and your other clients? 01:06:22 Bruce Mabee: Thanks. I hear agility threading through here. 01:10:29 Manjula Ramprasad: @Amy and @cynthia thanks 01:11:52 Dawn Powell: Hi Amy, What have been your biggest challenges when doing organisation design in a business that is set up as strategic business units. What are the watch outs and opportunities 01:13:12 Julian Chender: Q for Brent and Luis: As seasoned consultants before joining Kates Kesler within Accenture, did you find that there was a need to adapt your consulting approach or skill in any way to fully realize the methodology you learned in the Fellowship? 01:13:21 Manjula Ramprasad: Is there anything that you designed and failed, how did you hold up and move forward..this is question for the team… 01:13:29 Margaux Hoar: I love this. My frustration in many projects is the inability to get to go back and measure later and confirm that the design worked. We actually developed an approach to "lab test" designs before implementation partly as a result of that. 01:14:09 Manjula Ramprasad: @margaux yes lab test or MVP’s work.. 01:14:53 Cynthia Escamilla: @margaux…great comment. 01:16:22 Manjula Ramprasad: @Luis thanks 01:17:40 Neesa Sweet: not sure what you mean by academic 01:17:48 Dave Jamieson: Amy, congratulations for your tramsition. It sounds exciting and will spread this work better. 01:18:33 Manjula Ramprasad: The biggest challenge I face is making the client own the design that has come from the discovery conversations which again go though zillions of iterations. 01:19:19 Neesa Sweet: Brent, I love that. Sometimes clients don't want to take the time it takes to do the deep dives. How do you encourage them to take the time to fish? 01:20:18 Manjula Ramprasad: Love that @Amy…organic involvment 01:20:35 Jennifer Seifert: @Manjula - YES! 01:21:03 Susan Donnan: tell us about the books 01:21:34 Susan McCarthy: I am doing some very interesting vertical and horizontal alignment work based on your great new book! Identifying key nodes in the matrix, risks and opportunities and levers to pull to prevent silos. 01:21:48 Manjula Ramprasad: @jenniferseifret thanks 01:22:37 Susan McCarthy: Also using criteria to prioritize the nodes in the roles and processes to address the most important items. 01:23:28 Bruce Mabee: Thanks for this--and for bringing scale to design! 01:23:31 Manjula Ramprasad: @tanya..would love to connect with Kesler team 01:23:35 Cynthia Escamilla: Thank you everyone! 01:23:39 Manjula Ramprasad: Thanks @Amy and team