DE&I in Organizations – The Challenges of Designing Actionable Change

Held on 03/01/22

If you’d like to continue the conversation with Peter and the rest of the team, you can reach out to them at [email protected]

You’ll hear from Peter Lawrence of Ai Change Management, with the help of Abi and Jodie, outstanding interns from the University of Liverpool, about what they learned in a project with the City of Liverpool and how they are testing and applying what they discovered with several organisations.

We are delighted to invite you to a community conversation where you can share your ideas and experiences about this topic from an organisation design perspective. We’ll be exploring these challenges:

  • How can organisations move from understanding that there is a problem, to making real change?
  • How to accomplish deep structural inclusion?
  • How are different perspectives incorporated at the very highest levels of influence?

The final 2 questions are inspired by Jessica Nordell’s “The End of Bias”.

As preparation for this event, review Abi and Jodie’s detailed report here. For a deeper dive, join Peter, Abi and Jodie in reading “The End of Bias” by Jessica Nordell, see the questions raised in Chapter 8.


DE&I – Challenges of Designing Actionable Change (.txt from chat)


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