00:45:19 Andrew Williams: Irrational or values based? 00:45:33 Jardena London: @ Andrew I had the same reaction. 00:53:26 Andrew Williams: Yes - there don't seem to be many new ideas / models. That's why in last year's virtual conference the network analysis was so fascinating. I think that is where leading edge thinking / research should go 00:56:27 Jeanna Kozak: I didn’t read for first time ever because I was busy foraging for food however it occurs to me that we should question assumption that organizations are structure. Maybe follow where we are headed with workspace, where work is a point in time vs a point in space 00:58:03 Andrew Williams: The very concept of workplace vs home is fascinating. When we were (all) farmers / hunter gatherers what was work what was home? 00:58:48 Jardena London: @Andrew - great study from MIT, they call this “Context collapse”. https://s3.amazonaws.com/marketing.mitsmr.com/offers/FL2021/62370-MITSMR-Cognizant-Report-2021.pdf 00:59:39 Jackie Brown: Thanks @jardena. - context collapse is something that absolutely was amplified in this period in time 01:06:48 Jeanna Kozak: https://www.wired.com/story/the-secret-essential-geography-of-the-office/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=every%20office&utm_campaign=Enews%20BOTW%202/12/2021 - good perspective on office as place of meaning, following theory about how people attach meaning to place. Honestly I literally never understood why people want to go to the office until I read this. I’ve spent decades thinking they are dreary, freezing, hassle to get to etc. 01:25:01 Jackie Brown Dublin: @mike Systems Thinking for social change by Stroh could be interesting for you to look at 01:26:43 Andrew Williams: Thank you Bill! 01:27:05 Jackie Brown Dublin: Thank you everyone for allowing me to participate in the group - very happy to have been here today