00:22:15 Tanya - ODF Admin: We'll be asking for post-session feedback via a quick 2-question survey https://forms.gle/zgb5zHJikUqmTBSc9 00:39:46 Craig McGee: Sounds like the ambidextrous organization (courtesy of Stu Winby) 00:44:42 Veri Yoshioka: Sorry, could you please mention the independent website to get data on agility again? 00:44:54 Evan Leybourn: https://businessagility.institute/ 00:45:04 Veri Yoshioka: Thank you! 00:45:05 Diana Larsen: also agilemanifesto.org 00:47:23 Anthony Coppedge: Peter: Is this focus on ‘Agile’ on Software Development? Or does the data and insights you’re sharing also include business agility for Marketing, Sales, Ops, HR, Finance, etc.? 00:48:09 Ahmed Avais: People have extended it to other areas like HR: https://www.agilehrmanifesto.org/ 00:48:28 Evan Leybourn: There's a lot more to agility than agile. 00:48:46 Ahmed Avais: Evan Leybourn on the call has written good stuff on 12 domains of agility and more 00:49:04 Anthony Coppedge: Agreed, Evan. :) Kind of my point that I’m hoping will be addressed. 00:49:29 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): A very nice approach to the future of world of work and more org-level : http://www.enterprisescrum.com/ 00:49:36 Tanya - ODF Admin: For those who are first-timers joining an ODF virtual offering, you can learn more about our non-profit professional networking community at www.organizationdesignforum.org 00:50:24 Peter Lam: Hi Anthony - great question. Agile was originally defined as 'Manifesto for Agile Software Development'. This was based on a mix of research and common themes behind successful software delivery methods. My point is that many folks have simply appended agile to the 'front' of existing expertise without perhaps the same level of debate and rigour that made the Manifesto for Agile Software Development successful. 00:50:34 Evan Leybourn: Here's the information about the Domains of Business Agility: https://businessagility.institute/domains/domains-of-business-agility-overview 00:50:57 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): Or this great decentralized and open way to unleash it : https://openleadershipnetwork.com/patterns/ 00:51:16 Anthony Coppedge: Stu: Do you have data on the delineation between “transformation” (From State / To State) and Digital Optimization? I’m seeing the label “transformation” that is focused on incremental adaptation without fundamental Command & Control models changing. 00:53:00 Anthony Coppedge: Less like a Caterpillar with Butterfly Wings stitched on..and more like a transformation from a Caterpillar to a Butterfly. Super interested to see data making this delineation clear. 00:54:00 *Jardena London: Note: I’m capturing questions for the panel discussion. Keep em coming! 00:54:07 Diana Larsen: From my agile perspective, we are also moving past the idea of “a transformation” that has an end date to ongoing transforming as the market shifts and twists and new ideas emerge — all needing new ideas to address, on and on and on ad infinitum. Transformation ->Continuous Transforming 00:54:22 Anthony Coppedge: +1 Diana 00:54:37 Ahmed Avais: @Diana love it! 00:54:41 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): @Diana +1 👍🏽 00:55:04 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): And what about decentralized Open Business Agility and Conscious Agility ? 00:55:57 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): There is NO agile transformation. There is business transformation using the agile values, principles and patterns. Agile is good in Complex Time 00:56:34 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): Say it again 00:56:56 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): No Safe Space = Open Space and decision Rights 00:57:18 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): Oh my…. 00:57:45 Alexandre F Joly (YUL): We prefer Stacey Diagram 00:59:18 Ahmed Avais: Ralph Stacey has distanced himself from his own diagram, recently… which is curious 00:59:54 Ahmed Avais: All models are wrong, but some are useful - George Box 01:00:02 Org-ology Inc.: Change the way you look at things the things you look at change. 01:04:17 Daniel Hooman: Accepting that there is no such a thing as umbrella term (eg., agile) makes integration of concepts easier not harder. 01:04:19 Eddie Moore: What struck me….Org design seems to focus on design while agile focused on operations, feels a bit like org design and org development conversations 01:04:47 Evan Leybourn: Eddie, that's an intriguing insight. 01:05:11 Daniel Dina: Steceys model was ideal for the time it launched, however, it’s vital to embrace business agility as well as recognising change and complexities as constant are key to driving and sustaining change with culture change and adopting an agile mindset as part of growing with failing fast and learning how to apply emergent design to org structures and redesigns with a sustainable pace in evoking change and evolving people and the org as a whole. 01:07:17 Michiel van Gerven: technological revolutions seem to drive social transformation (e.g. agile). I'm wondering if current technological progress will create a situation that will make formal organiations obsolete. As in moving towards true network organizations (without a center if you will). I hate to use the word blockchain here... 01:07:19 Jodie Goulden: I was struck by the idea of user-centric org design. What can we learn from business agility & agile about user-centric design? 01:07:45 Evan Leybourn: @Jodie 👍 01:07:59 Eddie Moore: Jodie…I was struck by that in the business agility institute graphic. 01:08:01 Anthony Coppedge: Agreed, Stu and Diana. People don’t scale; systems and processes do. So resiliency (anti-fragile) is about coming back stronger from setbacks/lessons as part of how the structure is designed. 01:08:16 Steve Weitz (San Francisco): Can we hear from panel about APPLICATION. Examples of where we see agile+org design producing great business results? 01:09:28 Bruce Mabee: As OD, Agile and other disciplines mingle, does a fundamental identity distinguish OD? Agile? 01:09:53 Shaaron A Alvares: Jardena: sounds like this is the 1st meet; will there be follow ups, other opties collaborate etc.? 01:10:00 Veri Yoshioka: Can you design an 'agile' c-suite/ board of director? Has anybody seem that in practice? 01:10:10 Evan Leybourn: Yes, but it's rare. 01:10:18 Evan Leybourn: We have a couple of cases studies. 01:10:18 Eddie Moore: What about the role of P&L, financial controls and management mindset…seems like they are hidden determinants of org design and behavior 01:11:11 *Jardena London: @Shaaron - yes! Stay tuned for more. Fill-in the survey with your wishes. Tanya will post + send. 01:11:26 Shaaron A Alvares: thank you! 01:11:32 Evan Leybourn: i.e. https://businessagility.institute/learn/upon-retrospective-business-agility-helps-with-challenges-at-board-level/455 and https://businessagility.institute/tag/board/10 01:11:42 Jeremy Akers: Market based dynamics at zappos 01:11:51 Veri Yoshioka: Thanks Evan! 01:12:05 MW Chung: @Eddie, absolutely. That’s all part of business agility, to get the entire company nimble 01:12:14 Daniel Dina: Will the approach around org design be the same way of allowing emergent design with lean systems thinking to be organic rather than mandatory and is the a last responsible moment for when to pivot on an org design? 01:12:17 Evan Leybourn: @Eddie. There's a lot of work on approaches like adaptive finance. 01:12:36 Evan Leybourn: e.g. https://businessagility.institute/learn/beyond-budgeting-at-tw-telecom/190 and https://businessagility.institute/tag/finance/21 01:12:38 Tanya - ODF Admin: We would love to hear from you about next steps and collaborating between the two communities. Please take a moment to share your thoughts https://forms.gle/SFamyXGcrruJJ5sf7 01:12:48 Evan Leybourn: Also check out the amazing content from the Beyond Budgeting Round Table 01:12:53 Eddie Moore: @Evan…thanks, I’ll have a look 01:14:40 Jonathan Hornyak: Creation of multi-functional teams for agile work 01:15:11 MW Chung: If you want to know more about beyond budgeting, join us in Sept when we get to hear directly from the Chairman of Beyond Budgeting Round Table: https://www.meetup.com/Business-Agility-Meetup-San-Francisco-Bay-Area 01:15:34 Frank Eiselt (Basel): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynefin_framework I made good experience apply Agile concepts mainly in the complex quadrant ... and rather be selective in the complicated quadrant... 01:15:45 Tanya - ODF Admin: In case it scrolled too far up . . . We would love to hear from you about next steps and collaborating between the two communities. Please take a moment to share your thoughts https://forms.gle/SFamyXGcrruJJ5sf7 01:17:06 frederick wheeler: Incredibly interesting !! Thanks 01:17:12 Nicole Derr: Thank you panel and organizers! 01:17:15 Jeremy Akers: Thanks Stu! 01:17:17 Pablo Lischinsky: Thanks! 01:17:21 David Levine: Thank you! 01:17:22 Shaaron A Alvares: Thank you! 01:17:26 Tanya - ODF Admin: We would love to hear from you about next steps and collaborating between the two communities. Please take a moment to share your thoughts https://forms.gle/SFamyXGcrruJJ5sf7 01:17:26 Carol Ariyibi: Thanks all 01:17:27 Ross Libby: Thanks! Intriguing topics 01:17:27 Veri Yoshioka: Thank you everyone! 01:17:28 Kiana Johnson: Thank you 01:17:32 Jodie Goulden: Really thought provoking thanks everyone 01:17:35 David Clements: Excellent exchanges all around - thanks 01:17:36 Esther Middleton: Thank-you. That was great! 01:17:38 Carol Ariyibi: love the new perspectives shared 01:17:42 Daniel Dina: Thanks everyone 01:17:45 Melike Ak Şahin - acmagile.com: Thank you 01:17:46 Viviana Porto: Thanks! 01:17:46 Eddie Moore: Great job! 01:17:49 Jodie Goulden: Brilliant Jardena!