00:25:58 Jim Dowling: When you say "Power" do you mean control. What about power of influence. i.e.. Voters? 00:27:11 Bruce Mabee: I suspect we'll be getting into various forms of power -- very relevant to deeper political possibilities. 00:28:36 Caskie Lewis-Clapper: What drove the increase from 8-55? 00:38:17 Jim Dowling: Is it a statutory requirement to fill chartered positions? 00:40:09 Marisa Sanchez: I apologize if you've addressed this - how did you determine who to involve in the dialogue, not knowing who might stay or leave? or was your hope that involving some may be incentive for them to stay? 00:40:21 Bruce Mabee: I'm seeing a practical duality here -- purpose stuff & staffing stuff. Keeping two things on the table. 00:41:59 Jim Dowling: Can you share the Purpose Statement? 00:44:06 Cynthia Escamilla: As we know, you have to design the integration points. 00:44:59 Neil Samuels: Cynthia, does that become less important when purpose rules? Interface Carpets comes to mind. 00:45:41 Brandon Curry: The answer to how is yes, comes to mind, Julian. 00:45:52 Lauren Statman: I would imagine there is pressure to respond quickly to constituents, which is a barrier to cross-functional integration. How might they balance that? 00:46:46 Yash Mehta: Cool stuff Julian! How did you separate "Purpose" from Vision, Mission, 'Brand Taglines' etc... 00:53:57 Lauren Statman: @Jim it sounds like you’re calling out the elephant in the room related to Purpose. By putting it on the table it can move the group forward. (I also have experience working with family philanthropies and your story resonates!!) 00:54:42 Bruce Mabee: We're discussing Real Purpose. The process focuses Purpose-ISH elements, and it's simplicity got them on the same table as the Real Purpose. the others didn't get lost this time! 00:56:55 Lauren Statman: @Julian were you invited in or did you invite yourself? E.g., proactively offer these services in a critical moment of transition 01:02:34 Dave Haxton: Thank you for the wonderful discussion, Julian! I've got to drop. 01:04:43 Donald Nagle: "influence w/o authority" 01:12:40 Kathy Molloy: Thank you so much for this important and powerful work, highly relevant for our time, 01:12:51 Savannah Hobbs: Thank you so much! This was incredibly interesting. Congrats on your great work!! 01:12:52 Marisa Sanchez: Great case study to consider as a group - thank you! 01:12:57 Lauren Statman: This was fun - thank you! 01:12:59 Amy Kates: Always enjoy these ODF conversations. Thank you, Cynthia and Julian. 01:12:59 Brandon Curry: Thank you Julian and ODF 01:13:04 Joaquin Reyes: Thank you 01:13:05 Helena Light Hadley: thanks all 01:13:18 Dawn Powell: Thank you!