00:40:45 Anne Weiss: Might be relevant: the Massachustts Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development to pass the Workplace Psychological Safety Act 00:53:23 Bruce Mabee (camera broken): Frameworks like "the 17," from credible sources, are a leverage point for any of us. 00:54:14 Paul Tolchinsky: Bruce, absolutely. The SDG's seem more front and center in other parts of the world, than the US 00:55:29 Bruce Mabee (camera broken): One core value, very-widely shared, is the survival and thriving of "future generations." 00:55:45 Paul Tolchinsky: Reacted to "One core value, very..." with 👍 01:04:04 Jodie Goulden: Sometimes I forget that the true role of banks is to help more people have financial security. Great example. 01:04:15 Charlie Rataj: Reacted to "Sometimes I forget t..." with 👍 01:05:33 Paul Tolchinsky: Reacted to "Sometimes I forget t..." with 👍 01:10:34 Janet du Preez: What I would love to explore is HOW we get organisations to invite us to do this kind of work. We are uniquely qualified to do it. 01:12:23 Bruce Mabee (camera broken): Reacted to "What I would love to..." with 👍🏼 01:11:36 Paul Tolchinsky: Really good point Janet....our gift of systems thinking and embracing eco-systems seems to be critical/essential 01:19:05 Jodie Goulden: Capabilities. Yes! This is not just individual skills but organization capabilities. 01:19:18 Paul Tolchinsky: Reacted to "Capabilities. Yes! T..." with 👍 01:35:52 Jodie Goulden: listening listening listening! 01:36:02 Sarah Amies: Reacted to "listening listening ..." with 👍 01:38:16 Jim Dowling: This is my current area of interest. I have two courses and a framework from Purpose to Results. Interested in conversation: Jim.Dowling@CapableCompany.com 01:38:46 Jodie Goulden: Thanks Margaret for great summary of our group discussion. Inspiring to hear that we can offer so much! 01:39:26 Margaret Doyle: Reacted to "Thanks Margaret for ..." with 🙂 01:42:46 Jodie Goulden: Have recently published a blog on Designing Organizations for Sustainability, if anyone interested to read it here https://orgdesignworks.com/blog-details/designing-organizations-for-sustainability-navigating-the-challenges-and-solutions.html 01:46:32 Jodie Goulden: Thank you Bernard and Paul and Tanya for this great session. Great to meet/see everyone. 01:47:46 Bruce Mabee (camera broken): Big scope. Nicely convened! 01:47:46 VALERIE YATES: Wonderful conversation! Thank you Bernard, Paul, Tanya and Everyone!