00:14:11 Jeanna Kozak: https://bigthink.com/high-culture/vonnegut-shapes/ 00:15:14 Jeanna Kozak: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00018392241257372 00:22:48 Jeanna Kozak: Link to scarf model mentioned: https://www.mindtools.com/akswgc0/david-rocks-scarf-model 01:02:26 Anna Mamalaki: Reacted to "Link to scarf model ..." with 👍 00:32:53 Larry Kokkelenberg: Authority can come from competence and also character 00:33:02 Ramona Elena Cherciu: Reacted to "Authority can come f..." with ❤️ 00:34:17 Selena Evans: Reacted to "Authority can come f..." with ❤️ 00:39:12 Tina Jones: Reacted to "Authority can come f…" with ❤️ 01:02:20 Anna Mamalaki: Reacted to "Authority can come f..." with 👍 00:34:12 Larry Kokkelenberg: The smaller the organization is, the easier it is to be decentralized. 01:02:14 Anna Mamalaki: Reacted to "The smaller the orga..." with 👍 00:35:36 Selena Evans: Great point @carol watson - so interesting. 00:36:30 carol watson: Reacted to "Great point @carol w..." with 👍 00:37:23 Selena Evans: So agree @Anna Mamalaki - more specific conversations of readiness would be magical. ✨ 00:37:33 carol watson: Reacted to "So agree @Anna Mamal..." with 👍 00:57:07 Anna Mamalaki: Reacted to "So agree @Anna Mamal..." with 👍 00:53:55 Jardena London: “Make the unseen future vivid and real” thanks Jim! 00:54:11 Selena Evans: Reacted to "“Make the unseen fut..." with 🤩 00:54:34 Margaret Doyle: Reacted to "“Make the unseen fut..." with 👏🏻 00:56:03 Tina Jones: Reacted to "“Make the unseen fut…" with 👏🏻 01:01:57 Anna Mamalaki: Reacted to "“Make the unseen fut..." with 👍 00:56:06 Selena Evans: I love that @carol watson - a communication strategy built around stories 😍 01:00:41 carol watson: Reacted to "I love that @carol w..." with ❤️ 00:58:06 Ramona Elena Cherciu: The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human by Jonathan Gottschall 00:59:32 Selena Evans: Replying to "The Storytelling Ani..." Perhaps another call to action for more stories - staying human and cultivating connection in the age of AI. Will add it to my reading list! 00:59:34 Tina Jones: Reacted to "The Storytelling Ani…" with 💖 01:01:23 Selena Evans: So important @Jardena London - we need to thoughtfully and ethically create stories! 01:03:40 Jardena London: I feel like we need to give a shout out to Joseph Campbell here too. His work includes the “why” of story types, notably ‘moving through transitions’. 01:04:10 Ramona Elena Cherciu: Reacted to "I feel like we need ..." with ❤️ 01:04:14 Anna Mamalaki: Reacted to "I feel like we need ..." with 👍 01:06:36 Selena Evans: Reacted to "I feel like we need ..." with 👍 01:04:34 Larry Kokkelenberg: nice catch phrase......if you don't have a story, don't tell one. 01:05:23 Ramona Elena Cherciu: Reacted to "nice catch phrase......" with 😂 01:05:26 Jardena London: Reacted to "nice catch phrase......" with 😂 01:06:24 Selena Evans: Reacted to "nice catch phrase......" with 😂 01:09:30 Ramona Elena Cherciu: Speaking of bias - it is important to pay attention to origin stories and or identity stories ... hard to let go of ... 01:09:40 Mark Robinson: Reacted to "Speaking of bias - i..." with 👍 01:09:42 Selena Evans: Reacted to "Speaking of bias - i..." with 👍 01:09:46 carol watson: Reacted to "Speaking of bias - i..." with 👍 01:10:09 Tina Jones: Thank you! Happy Holidays! 01:10:28 Selena Evans: Thank you @Jeanna Kozak for hosting - was wonderful! 01:10:36 Ramona Elena Cherciu: https://www.thepowerofstorytelling.org/ 01:10:51 Margaret Doyle: Thank you for organising today’s session! 01:10:52 Jardena London: @Ramona Elena Cherciu put in the chat, but also tie to the LinkedIn post invite please! 01:10:55 Anna Mamalaki: THANK YOU @Jeanna Kozak 01:11:22 Ramona Elena Cherciu: Thank you! Happy holidays! 01:11:23 Jardena London: Happy holidays everyone! 01:11:39 Anna Mamalaki: HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!