Does Strategy Still Have a Meaningful Role in Organization Design?

August 9th | 11 AM – 12:15 PM (EDT)

Most of us who’ve been in the field for more than a few years were trained to view strategy as central to the process of organization design. Just think about the models we use, e.g., the Star model or 7-S. Strategy, crafted on a 3 – 5 year horizon provided a relatively stable “north star” around which to conceive and design an organization. But in a world where volatility and unpredictability are the norm, 3 – 5 year strategies quickly lose relevance.

Our panel will explore:

  • – Does strategy still have a meaningful role in organization design?
  • – If so, what is it?
  • – Does strategy itself need to be understood differently?

Join us and our select panel of seasoned organization design thinkers and practitioners as we tackle these and other related questions.

ODF Community Engagement & Learning Team co-lead, Carlos Valdes-Dapena will host this panel including: