Wednesday, May 31 | 12:30 – 1:30 PM (EDT)

May articles will be shared once newsletter is distributed:

  • The Obstacles to Creating Good Jobs by Zeynep Ton, Harvard Business Review
  • Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Organization: 3 Questions to Help Employees Thrive and Drive Success by Scott Pulsipher, Forbes
  • Organisation Design’s Role in ‘Steadying the Boat of Change’ for the Future of Work by Elizabeth Howlett, People Management
  • How Business Leaders Should Think About the Metaverse in 2023 by Roberto Hernandez, Strategy+Business
  • Imagining an Alternative Future by Nicolay Worren, Organization (Re)design
  • Bonus article:  ChatGPT and the Future of Business Education by Phanish Puranam at al., INSEAD Knowledge


As a collaboration between ODF & European ODF we invite you to be part of our monthly conversations (virtually on Zoom) on hot topics in Organization Design. A Curatorial Board, composed of five OD experts, academics, and practitioners, selects the most interesting new articles, blog ­posts, books, and case studies to share with our fellow organization design professionals each month in a newsletter distributed by EODF. ODF hosts these monthly 1­-hour discussions for both ODF and EODF members to talk about the themes we see emerging from the articles in each newsletter and insights into their content.

If you are not already a member of European Organization Design Forum, or have access as a benefit of having attended in person or registered for the <em><strong>Conf+ </strong></em>ticket for our 2022 Annual Conference, you can receive the monthly newsletter &amp; access EODF’s Knowledge Base for €60/year!