Does Strategy Still Have a Meaningful Role in Organization Design?

Does Strategy Still Have a Meaningful Role in Organization Design? Held on 08/09/23 Does Strategy Still Have a Meaningful Role in Org Design? (chatbox content) Most of us who’ve been in the field for more than a few years were trained to view strategy as central to...

ODF & EODF May 31st Global Conversation

ODF + EODF May Global OD Trends Conversation Held on 05/31/23 This month’s newsletter articles included: The Obstacles to Creating Good Jobs by Zeynep Ton, Harvard Business Review Unlocking the Full Potential of Your Organization: 3 Questions to Help Employees Thrive...

2023 Festival of Organization Design Encore!

2023 Festival of Organization Design Encore! Held on 05/23/23 2023 Festival of OD Encore (chatbox content) Let the festival continue!  The ODF conference is having an encore!Whether you weren’t able to attend the ODF conference, or you loved it so much you want it...

ODF & EODF April 26th Global Conversation

ODF + EODF April Global OD Trends Conversation Held on 04/26/23 This month’s newsletter articles included: To Curb Burnout, Design Jobs to Better Match Employees’ Needs by Michael Leiter and Christina Maslach, HBR What is the Purpose of a Corporation Today?  by Aaron...