Data-Driven Organization Design with ReConfig

Data-Driven Organization Design with ReConfig Held on 09/29/21 Organization design decisions are often made on the basis of scant data. As a result, the actual model that is selected and implemented does not always support the original intent. For example, it may lead...

Networked, Scaled, and Agile: Can a Company Really Be All Three?

Networked, Scaled, and Agile: Can a Company Really Be All Three? Held on 08/26/21 Amy Kates and her colleagues will highlight key concepts from the new book, Networked, Scaled, and Agile. We’ll discuss the challenge of “can a company really be all three?” Amy will...

Org Design Meets Business Agility

Org Design Meets Business Agility Held on 07/14/21 Biz Agility panelists include: Diana Larsen, Chief Connector at the Agile Fluency® Project & past ODF Board Member Peter Lam, Transformation Lead for Telstra Frank Eiselt, Enterprise Agile Architect & Catalyst...