Designing Authentic Connections . . .
Why this for our 2021 Theme?
2020 challenged us all to excel in different ways of working. Organization designers, already at the forefront in exploring and implementing ways of working and operating model innovations, were optimally positioned for the acceleration of change in the last year. Remote work, future of work, decentralization, global organizations, and recent innovations such as outdoor offices, ghost kitchens, and virtual socials have long been organization design topics.
The distinct difference is a new scope and scale regarding distance. More and more, we are working with people who we do not see or speak to every day, or perhaps, have never met face-to-face, all while trying to deliver value to stakeholders. We will be meeting people and building our personal networks in an entirely different context and environment in the future.
Join us at our virtual conference this June where we will be exploring:
- Beyond corridors: how will we design organizations and work-life to foster authentic relationships, collaboration, and connection in a largely, if not entirely, virtual workplace?
- Who do we need to be: what is the future of an Organization Designer in our roles as practitioners and facilitators?

We have sessions planned between
8 AM (PDT) and 12:30 PM (PDT)
on June 8 – 10 and June 15 – 17
Conference Structure and Sessions
We have some great sessions and speakers lined up for you. This year we have organized the sessions into four categories. Swipe through the sessions below and click to read the full session outline.
Organization Design in Action
Emerging Operating Models
Role of the Designer
Methods and Practice
Organization Design in Action Sessions
Emerging Operating Models Sessions
Role of the Designer Sessions
Methods and Practice Sessions
All of these plus structured networking opportunities with your community!
Our Annual Conference is at the center of our Organization Design Community
The Organization Design Forum is a global professional association linking practitioners, organizational leaders, academics, and students in ongoing learning about the field of organization design.
As a cornerstone event for the ODF community, the annual conference offers exploration and learning around the latest developments, theories, and practices of organization design. Focused on expanding the toolkits of practitioners, as well leaders, academics, and students, the Conference provides opportunities for knowledge sharing in a highly participative format for building connections and networks within the organization design community.
“ODF conferences present information relative to the practice of organization design and organization development from the basics, including theory, to cutting edge ideas and practices. It’s an excellent return on investment for practitioners and academics.”
“This was, unquestionably, the finest professional conference of its kind I have ever attended.”
“This was my first conference and it was a really great experience. Valuable learning and networking opportunities, and I felt very welcome. It truly had a feeling of a community of experts and practitioners. A 10+! Thank you.”
Check our Full-Agenda
We have sessions planned between 8 AM (PDT) and 12:30 PM (PDT) on June 8 – 10 and June 15 – 17
*Please note that our agenda is still evolving and that session times and details may change.
Add a ‘Save-the-Date’ to Your Calendar
Individual Session calendar blocks available post-registration.

Using an AI-powered digital engagement platform to enhance our leaning and connection
To optimize engagement and learning we will be partnering with HowSpace, a social event platform and AI-powered digital facilitation tool that thrives on high levels of involvement and collaboration. We aspire to provide our attendees with both asynchronous and synchronous knowledge-sharing opportunities in a fun and memorable way.
Appreciation for our Community Sponsors

Accenture’s Talent & Organization (T&O) / Human Potential practice helps shape the organization and workforce agenda for our clients. As a part of our global portfolio, we have a robust operating model and org design offering that has been super charged with the inclusion of Kates Kesler. Together, we help our clients align their strategy and operating model to stay competitive and grow beyond traditional core business.
Visit our T&O/Human Potential practice, our Operating Model offering and our new org design book Network, Scaled and Agile.